Are You Suffering From Vape Auto-Firing Issues Does Your Vape Keep Hissing and Cracking After Puffing on It Are You having problems with auto-firing with your vape? Sadly, electronic devices often make noises when left on standby when not being used – however this issue could be even more worrisome when applied to vapes since their heating element could overheat and pose potential health risks if too hot for too long. Here is how to resolve auto-firing issues:
Auto-firing issues often arise when vape devices become damaged or misused, necessitating immediate attention in order to prevent overheating of their battery and potentially overcharging of it. Below we’ll walk through how to address it depending on which vape model is being used as well as provide tips on avoiding it in future.
How to Stop a Disposable Vape From Auto-Firing
Some disposable vapes feature an on/off switch; if yours does, simply flick it to “off” to stop the device from auto-firing. Unfortunately, however, most disposable vapes don’t feature this functionality and instead rely on puff sensors which detect when air enters through them and sense when air has left again; if one fails due to leakage it could cause the device to continue firing automatically.
To resolve this, try blowing through your mouthpiece firmly; this should often dislodge any sensors preventing auto-firing and reduce auto-firing.
Wait for the Battery to Drain, if blowing through your device doesn’t do the trick, the next step should be waiting for its battery to die. Place the device in an inert environment such as outside covered with dirt or in an unflammable cooking pot until its batteries run dry.
How to Stop a Pod Vape Without a Fire Button from Auto-Firing
Pod vapes without manual fire buttons operate similarly to disposable vapes in terms of auto firing; their use relies on an intermittent puff sensor instead of true off function for their off functionality. If this sensor gets stuck due to leakage or wear-and-tear, you could try the following to halt its autofire:
Blow firmly through the device to clear out its puff sensor. If this doesn’t work, remove the pod instead – without it, the device will stop firing and its LED will illuminate until its battery drains completely.
How to Stop an Auto-Firing Vape
Vapes equipped with fire buttons often come equipped with an off switch; in order to stop auto-firing, simply press it five times quickly on its fire button before switching it back on again.
What to Do if Your Vape Is Auto-Firing
If your vape is still auto-firing after being turned off, and there’s no way of stopping it, make sure it remains in a safe location in order to prevent overheating – this is particularly important with disposable vapes which often do not feature an off switch.
Position the Vape in a Fireproof Location: If you can’t stop the device, take it outside and cover it with dirt or place it in an ovenproof pot (with nothing flammable on top) so as to shield from flames while you wait for its battery to fully deplete, which should take only minutes.
Recycle Your Device: Once your device is no longer firing, bring it to a recycling center that accepts lithium-ion battery devices for disposal.
How Can You Prevent Future Auto-Firing Issues:
Once the immediate issue has been addressed, steps can be taken to prevent auto-firing in the future. Here’s what can be done:
1. Buy Authentic Vapes
Its Counterfeit vapes pose a significant threat, particularly with disposable models. Fake devices could include leaks or defective sensors which increase the chance of auto-firing. Always double check that you have purchased an authentic product by visiting its manufacturer’s website to view a code located on its packaging.
2. Clean Your Vape Regularly
If your pod vape is leaking, its puff sensor could become coated in e-liquid and start malfunctioning. To clean it off, take several steps; first remove and wipe down with paper towel to clean out its inner chamber; secondly take apart and wipe down its external shell using paper towels before returning the pod to its place in its stand.
For 510-threaded devices: Use a cotton swab dampened in rubbing alcohol to scrub the threads and base of your cartridge, eliminating any residue build-up and preventing future malfunction. This should help ensure optimal functioning.
3. Avoid Over-Puffing
Avoid applying excessive suction when using a puff-activated vape; too much air pressure could flood the coil with liquid, possibly leaking into the puff sensor and leading to its sticking. Puff slowly and only as necessary in order to produce vapor.